Serata (Evening) in Polignano a Mare

Enjoying spritzes with my lovely friends Victoria DiMaio and Margie Miklas on a terrace overlooking the sea and the sunset

In the southern region of Puglia along the Adriatic coast just a short drive from Bari lies the loveliest seaside village of Polignano a Mare. Not just another little sandy beach town, Polignano is stunning. Perched on tall, dramatic cliffs that overlook the ocean, the sparkling translucent sea-water below creates unforgettable images backed by a dreamy horizon. It is here that temptations grow stronger to linger just a little bit longer.

There is so much I admire about Polignano a Mare. One of my favorite memories is the evening stroll through the winding village streets. I remember the day’s heat begin to cool as the local shop owners gathered outside to visit with friends and fellow shop owners. The main piazza began to fill with people as they took an evening stroll while socializing. It seems to be a time of day when a great shifting takes place and all work seems to stop. The Italian people take this very seriously and engage gregariously with each other. Even the town cats come out from hiding and lounge about.

Below are some photos I took of my evening walk through the village.

Young locals enjoy themselves on the terrace
Sunset over the Adriatic
A lone fishing boat bobs on the Adriatic below the cliff wall
A Catholic celebration parade made its way through the village streets with banners and children of all ages
One of many quaint living squares in the town
A street lined with shops

The Central Piazza begins to set up for evening crowds as restaurants light outside table lamps.

The shop mascot sits in front of the doorway on the watch for others of her kind
Another kitty lounges on a chair cushion outside a shop
A small shrine embedded in the outside wall
A most engaging planter…an old tire painted white with pink petunias tumbling out of the center
Tall church tower off the Central Piazza
Entrance doors to the old church on the Central Piazza
Gorgeously sculpted and painted altar inside the church
Walking down the main street in Polignano a Mare with decorative arches
A last walk along the sea wall while we inhale the ebbing sunset

I hope you enjoyed this small glimpse of Polignano a Mare. If the opportunity ever came back to re-visit, I would jump at the chance. Engaging, beautiful and friendly, I’m positive I could linger here just a little bit longer.

What is your favorite Italian beach town, or one you dream of visiting?

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